Case study | Bezrealitky

Real Estate portal
1,5 years between 2019 – 2020

Status/Client Overview

Bezrealitky, established in 2007, has evolved into the largest real estate portal in the Czech Republic, fundamentally changing how property transactions are conducted. With a commitment to transparency and simplicity, Bezrealitky directly connects property owners with potential buyers or tenants, avoiding traditional brokerage intermediaries.

As of 2019, the portal has expanded into Slovakia with plans to enter more markets, ensuring a fifth of all real estate transactions in the Czech Republic through its platform.

Problem Statement

While Bezrealitky had achieved significant traction in the Czech Republic, the company sought to refine its online marketing strategies to further enhance its operational efficiency and expand its market reach. The main challenges included optimizing advertising costs and improving the website’s traffic to strengthen its market presence in both the Czech Republic and Slovakia.


The campaign aimed to achieve the following:
Reduce yearly PPC (Pay-Per-Click) costs significantly while maintaining ad performance.
Increase monthly website visitors to over 650,000 through SEO enhancements.
Strengthen the user experience on the portal to increase direct interactions between property owners and seekers.

Pain Points

1. Inefficient PPC campaigns

High PPC expenses with insufficient return on investment.

2. New SEO Strategy

Underperforming SEO strategies that limited online visibility.

3. New UX

The need for a more intuitive user interface to facilitate easier direct communications and transactions on the platform.

Solutions and Execution

To address these challenges, our agency implemented a dual approach focusing on PPC optimization and SEO enhancements:

PPC Optimization: We revamped the PPC strategy by refining the target audience, optimizing ad placements, and improving the bidding strategy. This led to a reduction of more than €30,000 in annual advertising costs, without compromising on the campaign’s reach or effectiveness.

SEO Enhancement: Our team undertook a comprehensive SEO audit and optimization plan to improve organic search visibility and drive traffic. By focusing on high-value keywords and improving content relevance, we achieved a significant increase in monthly visitors.

User Experience Improvements: We redesigned key elements of the website to make it more user-friendly, ensuring that property listings and inquiries could be managed more efficiently by users.


650 000

Monthly visitors achieved through SEO optimization


Increase in organic traffic

30 000 €

Saved annually through PPC campaign optimization.


Growth in new user registrations per month

Client testimonial

“Patrik is a very interesting person and an experienced marketer. With his strategic help and the coordination of his agency, we achieved great results and he has often assisted me even when the deadlines and expectations from the management were sometimes extreme. I appreciate his unconventional thinking and that I could always rely on him.”

Key Takeaways

  • The refined PPC strategies saved over 30,000 € annually, optimizing the marketing budget.
  • SEO efforts successfully increased the site’s monthly visitors to more than 650,000, enhancing market penetration.
  • The improvements in website usability fostered greater user interaction, supporting Bezrealitky’s mission of simplifying the real estate process.


The strategic online marketing initiatives not only optimized Bezrealitky’s operational costs but also significantly boosted its online traffic and user engagement. These efforts have positioned Bezrealitky to continue its growth trajectory and further dominate the real estate market in its current and future territories.

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